hello! welcome to GIRLCREATURE! my little home on the net! GIRLCREATURE is a site dedicated to the things i love & hate & everything in between, it is a space for self expression outside of the norms of commercialized internet! i have many varied interests and this site exists to cater to all of them! this is my little safe spot out in cyberspace :D

if you'd like to learn more about me & why i started this site, go visit my about me page!
please dont hotlink to my site! i'd like to keep my bandwith! :D feel free to reference/save as much as you like but please don't copy-paste my code!! thank you :)
this site was made on pc+firefox on a 1366x768 screen
it is not optimized for chrome/mobile/etc

GIRLCREATURE, other than being the name of my site, is also ME! my alias, of sorts. i'm an 18 year old genderpunk lesbian who really loves music, art, coding, and making a big deal out of things!!!
this little cat creature you see on the side here has been my little avatar for around a year and a half now, though its really just some cat used in memes online. so if you see this thing a lot in this site, thats why!

i'm a person of many interests, as you'll see when you navigate through this site. i love so many things that may be seen as conflicting or as 'cringe'. this does not bother me, though, as this is my own damn site!!! if you don't like it ggggget out!!!! that being said, this site does not have one cohesive theme, hell, there's multiple just for this page! (pls use the theme changer)
thats it. if u wanna learn even more about me and this site go check out my about me section, toodles!